Heni's Vegetable Nursery

Heni's Vegetable Nursery Heni's Vegetable Nursery... hmm, sounds good isn't it? And it's local. (Oldham, Greater Manchester) Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Henrietta... Who I am? I'm big lover of any type of plant since childhood. I loved to plant with my dad when i was child. But where and when began this passion? Let me tell you an a lovely story about this. I was around 7-8 years old little girl when I was spending my time at "afternoon in the school". It was a class for those children who's parents are worked. One sunny spring day we was taken out of the school to the park. It's was not like present day park as we know in England. Pop up the question than where I came from. Okay, I came from Eastern Europe from a country calls Hungary. Just back to the present story from my past. So we was taken to the park, where was lot of tree and really big area with wilds flowers and grass. I was that kind of little girl who was always cove...