
Varieties and price chilli 22'

All varieties of chilli/Sweet pepper plants on pre-order  Priced at £1.50 ( from 17th of February till 17th of March ) Habanero Red - out of stock  Habanero Orange - out of stock Cayenna £3 Jalapeño £3 Jalapeño Fundador £3 Kiepenkerl Amboy £2 Kiepenkerl Shumer £2 Carolina Reaper £3 Scotch Bonnet £1 Bangladeshi Naga £1 Organic Hot Wax £2 Tabasco - out of stock  Thai Red chilli £2 Sweet Tamina £1 Sweet Szentesi - out of stock Sweet Cecei - out of stock

Start potting on

We start potting on, but first I would like show you the very first uniforms. Warm and cosy sweaters.  So after beautiful germination rate we start potting on the chillis.  This chilli is an Bangladeshi Naga plant.  Lovely isn't it?  On going potting on and selecting them by high criterias, came out we have just too many chilli plant lot more than we expected to have,  so we had to build over the room, and put in more shelfs than before.  But looks its still will make some headache.  Around the half of the chillis potted on last week, but still too many waiting for potting on.  Tomatoes plants are also nice germination rate this year as well, they are just keep coming up. One more week and we will do the first count down on them. Exciting 😍


 Trouble  So we had very nice germination rate on chillies, plants are just amazing and near a K lot what is just made some headache to me, because the nursery room not enough large for this many. AND so it is February so we give the go for the tomato seeds. Because of lack of place wehad no choose just sow the half many what we wanted to sow.  Its mean the balance scale is now down on the chilli side. Germination rate now at the moment around 67% of the whole. Its already too many. But we love chillies. And of course tomatoes as well. 17 varieties sowed. This is more likely will be 800+ plants.  We have to mind with the place for them. More shelves definitely need.  

What happened this week 01/21-01/28

The previous weeks we was busy to build up the special room for the nursery, cleaning everything what we use and load small but important things done.  This week we sowed 13 type of chillies like Cayenna, Scotch, Tabasco, Naga, Thai Red chillies and Organic seeds.  Also this week got our second delivery from Oakland Gardens on another 1000 pcs 3' pots, Vermiculite and Perlite for potting on later.  During the week quite few chilli plants germinated so start using the lights for them as well. The room temperature 🌡 is around 21-25 Celsius all the time. Nice and cosy atmosphere 😀 👌   Unfortunately my wrist is got joint infection what reduce my availability to lifting. Few days ago it's swollen up, and painful to do anything with. But the pain still not stop me to do things.  Also start planning the outdoor area for this season. After last year lovely green food jungle I would like same or better crops this year.  It's end of January and no...

Chilli Sowing Process and Guidance

I always very excited when it's time to sow my selection of chilli seeds🌶  After all of equipment is sanitised and clean I filled the special sowing compost from Westland (Seed and Cutting compost) in the trays.  For the chillies I used to soak the seeds in small amount of water to hydrates the seeds, what help with the germination. Can be sowed without soaking as well but the germination time will be a bit longer. Some people make a camilla bath for the seeds what is help sanitising the seeds and dissolve the protection layer from the seeds. This layer is don't let the seeds in nature to germination before the circumstances is not perfect for grow.  Also very important the light. The natural light in January and February is not on enough amount in the UK, so for early sowing needs full spectrum lights. The best temperature for germination chillies is around 21°-27°C. Chillies love the humidity when they germinating. The seeds doesn't need fertiliser, also th...

Heni`s Vegetable Nursery

Ready Steady...Grow in 22 It`s nearly end of January what mean HVN starts sow and grow this year plants. But the very first things should be done before I start do anything. All of the growing trays, tools need to be cleaned and sanitised to prevent future problems. Clean and wipe all of the shelf systems, grow lights, tables, fans, dripping trays and tools for sowing. Ordering 9 cm pots for now we have on stock only 600 pcs but more will be ordered in February. Like more 1000 pcs need in case.  In this year improvements:   - 10 large dripping trays what will help with easy watering and feeding our plants. -  1 Standing Fan for air movement in the nursery room - 5 kg 14 -7 21 Npk Organic Water solution plant feed from Germany  I hope next year we can improve the room with Spiderfarm light system ( one of our goal for this year )  Full set up is build and all safety procedure is done. Grow lights are tested.  

2021 flashbacks

Let me talk about the previous season. It was all good. More than 400 costumers bought my plants. I seen load of happy people, I heard back of their success. Actually I did personally a success not only with the HVN but in person. Lats year I set a goal about my garden what was a project called Food jungle. Under this project I grow more than what I imagined about this little concentrate garden. Got 2 new raised bed and 2 wall planter each 2,5 m planted in strawberry plants, fit in 60 plants. Growed loads of strawberries over a kg. Also I growed 7 kg of tomatoes 🍅 and loads of chillies like Hungarian Black, over 5 kg of beans 6kg of potato, salads,  peas, radishes, onions herbs and many more. So the year was a big success till December when storm Arwen actually destroyed the whole garden and the greenhouse panels been blown away around the neighbourhood. I was quite sad because of the greenhouse need to continue the Heni's Vegetable Nursery. But that moment...