Chilli Sowing Process and Guidance

I always very excited when it's time to sow my selection of chilli seeds🌶 
After all of equipment is sanitised and clean I filled the special sowing compost from Westland (Seed and Cutting compost) in the trays. 
For the chillies I used to soak the seeds in small amount of water to hydrates the seeds, what help with the germination. Can be sowed without soaking as well but the germination time will be a bit longer. Some people make a camilla bath for the seeds what is help sanitising the seeds and dissolve the protection layer from the seeds. This layer is don't let the seeds in nature to germination before the circumstances is not perfect for grow. 
Also very important the light. The natural light in January and February is not on enough amount in the UK, so for early sowing needs full spectrum lights. The best temperature for germination chillies is around 21°-27°C. Chillies love the humidity when they germinating. The seeds doesn't need fertiliser, also the small plants doesn't need fertiliser at this stage. All is need: Good origin seeds, good soil,  light and light, small amount of water. They root system is very weak, much amount of water can cause dump out them what will destroy plants. 
Also need warm temperature and stable humidity....and patience load of patience. Seed germination time is usually between 7 to 21 days. But it's depending on the circumstances around the seeds.


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