To continue...

Today I fitted new shelving units in the Nursery for Chilles and Sweet peppers. I had to made some changes because of lack of place. The new shelving units give me more place for Tomatoes. Luckily the growing lights reach all of the peppers as well. They are so lovely plants some of brings 3rd 4th real leafs and they bright deep green colour.  I set in the room an Air  conditioner what will circle the room temperature air between the plants, what makes them stronger and they will be fine when you plant them out in your garden,  or place them in your patio. 

Also I started to pot on few tomato plants as well, they already have two true leaf. 🍃 
If the temperature outside let it I will place them in lightly heated greenhouse. 
I am extremely happy to take care of these plants. 🌱🥳


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