Tomato Plans


 Vilma is an determinate-grow type tomato, mid early type. Fruits grow 50-60gramms (max). Recommend for balcony- or pots- hanging baskets. Average weight of fruits 20-30 g. Perfect decoration for patios.


Bajaj is an determinate -grow type tomato. Grows only 20-30 cm high, very decorative in pots or hanging baskets. Possible on the plant 50-100 fruits at same time, average weight 15-20gs/ tomato.

Yellow pearhead:

Yellow pearhead an indeterminate tomato, this is an old faction Heirloom type. Fruits are small pear shaped shiny yellow colour. 2.5cm- 5cm long fruits around weight of 100g. Recommend for fresh eating. Good cold- resistant but avoid from frost. Recommend for freeholds.

Yellow Thumbling Tom:

This is an nice grow tomato what is very juice. It have yellow colour fruits. This is small grow type micro tomato. Easily can grow in post or hanging baskets.

Roma VF: 

Roma is an determinate type recommend to warm and sunny place, feeding is recommend. good flavour type. Fruits 50-70gms and Red colour. Harvest time: June- September.

Honey Tomato: 

Plant is produces dark pink-red tomatoes what is very flavourfull and sweet. Fruits weigth (8oz) 300-400g  Indeterminate type F1 variety crack resistant.

Gardener's Delight

Gardener's Delight is indeterminate. It has smallish red fruits a bit bigger than cherry tomato. Feeding is recommend after start set of first flowers.


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